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Testing Your  Ecamm Live Stream Setup

Ecamm Live: Testing Your Live Stream Setup

Nov 03, 2022

Days before the actual schedule of your show, you need to test everything that you set up on Ecamm Live. 

There are few things that you need to go through to make sure that everything operates the way it should be.

In this tutorial, I will share with you 5 things that you need to pay attention when testing your live streaming setup. 

Let's dive in. 



1. Understand the Process

One thing that I love about Ecamm Live is you can create a systematize show. 

During your live stream, all you have to do is to click the scenes starting from your intro up to the end scene.


But, how organize your scenes are will depend on how you set them up. 

Test your set-up.

Make sure that your scenes are created and organized in sequential order. 

Make sure that you understand how your show will operate. 

Know which scene will go first, which one will go next, and next, and next until you reach the end scene.

This way, you won't get lost and confused as you go through the different scenes of your show.


2. Check your Music

Make sure that the music you have scheduled for your show are actually playing.

The music should be on the right level of loudness or softness for each scene. 


It should not overpower your voice and your guest's.

Make sure that if your guest is speaking, you and your audience can hear him clearly.

Sometimes, the way music plays to your computer and to your systems based on the volume levels that you have is not always the same as what your audience experiences. 

Make sure that your audience is getting good audience experience from you and from your guest as well. 

Checking your music will also give you insights into your computer's performance for all the things that you're trying to do. 

Sometimes, you'll experience system error on your computer, but might work on other computer. 

For example, your MacBook Air can't run the program that you set in the way that it's designed to be, but will work on a Mac Mini. 

You need to understand that the limitations and errors you experience are not always Ecamm Live related, but it's on computer. 


3. Do a Record Test

A record test will tell and show you what your audience is going to experience on your live show, especially their audio experience. 

Make sure that you will be able to successfully get everything that you set up inside Ecamm the way you designed your show for your audience. 


4. Check your Social Connections

If you plan to share your live stream to your social media accounts, whether you go plan to go live on Facebook or YouTube, you need to check your Ecamm Preferences settings.

Go over your Preferences

Click the Gear Icon on the left side of your main screen.


Go over to the social platform tab where you want to share your live stream.

You have the option to customize your show.

Enable the options that you need for your show. 


If you want to learn more about Ecamm Live Preferences, I did a tutorial video that will walk you though the best Ecamm Live Preferences for recorded & live videos.

Watch the videos here


5. Use General Terminology

While testing your setup, think about your overall audience. 

Depending on the platform where your audience is at, don't make them feel isolated. 

Keep them engage throughout your show.

You can't say, “share some love” when you know some of your audience are on YouTube, and they can only give you a thumbs up or a thumbs down. 

Think of the best practices and strategies to keep them invested in your show and be with you until the end. 

If you want to learn more about the best practices and strategies for a successful live show, check out the next tutorial, where I share live stream tips for success. 


Up Next: Live Stream Tips for Success