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Livestreaming the Canon M50 WITHOUT HDMI (Using Ecamm Live - MAC Only)

Nov 01, 2018

As of 2021, if you're wanting to get an M50, I recommend Getting the Mark 2 vs the original: 

You no longer need Camera Live, you can just use Ecamm Live with a USB cable ONLY now! For the updated video tutorial for this, you can watch it here: 

Get the settings needed for live streaming and video on the Canon M50 for Video Guide: &

The M50 can be used to live stream online but with HDMI you can only use manual focus for a "clean" HDMI out. This sucks! With a little help from some free software, we can live stream using the M50 and keep the autofocus and soo much more with so little.


Up Next: How to Get a Properly Exposed Video on the Canon M50 (Exposure Triangle Explained)